Biography Listen music Write to Paul Nauta Write to his agent
Le Figaro (Paris)
Paul Nauta, remarkable virtuoso and specialst on his instrument (Claude Pascal)
Palo Alto Times (USA)
Nauta's finger technique and articulation are superb, his embellishments were tasteful and in style
Fyens Stiftstidende (Denmark)
It was a special attraction to see and hear Paul Nauta perform.
Morgenposten (Denmark)
in top form ...
Fyens Stiftstidende (Denmark)
With brilliant expression on his instruments ...
Het Binnehof (The Hague, Holland)
With a lot of vivacity and skill ...
NRC Handelsblad (Amsterdam Hollan)
Strived with good succes for pure authenticity ...
Zwolsche Courant (Holland)
There was besides technical skill also a lot of dedication
Rotterdams Nieuwsblad (Holland)
The ensemble is a complete unity
Trouw (Amsterdam Holland)
Played very well - showed beautiful playing